Serve on a Team

You can make an impact.

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Join a Serve Team

We believe God is working in you to achieve his plan in the world. And he's given you gifts and skills to contribute uniquely. Serving teams are a great place to discover your strengths, meet people, and make a lasting difference. We want to help find the right spot for you.

Let's find your team.


  1. Fill out the form.
    Our team will use your information to connect you with a ministry leader.
  2. Get invited to a test drive.
    One of our ministry leaders will reach out inviting you to check out a serving team.
  3. Test drive with the team.
    Jump in with the team and find out if it's a good fit.
  4. Confirm it's a good spot for you.
    One our ministry leaders will reach out after test driving to ask about your experience.
  5. You're in!
    Keep showing up to connect, grow, and serve others.

Each of our serving teams have a set schedule they follow throughout the year. Most weekend ministries serve once every 3-4 weeks while teams outside the weekend have a set schedule of their own. As you explore a team to join, you'll learn about their specific schedules at your campus.

No, our team leaders check in with you on a regular basis about your serving experience and your continued participation on the team.